I remember in primary school there were two of us that were JW's and we were supposed to sit at a table in the entrance hall outside where the assembly was being held. The entrance to the assembly was made up of about 8 large glass doors which probably spanned 25 foot across. At the bottom of the doors there was about 1 foot of solid wood so we figured if we could crawl along like commandos we could get past without being spotted, and it worked like a dream! We used to have fun re-arranging things in classrooms or defacing other kids pictures on the wall. It was ace, best part of the day.
New Worldly Translation
JoinedPosts by New Worldly Translation
What did you do during school assemblies?
by Qcmbr inin my school the two jw kids sat out of assemblies and i always wondered what they got up during that time.
i always wanted to have the courage to say i had religious objections to assemblies but to be honest i just hated siting cross legged on the wooden floor for ages.
anyone experience sitting out assemblies (or whatever your school equivelant is) and what did you do?
Trying to find an old picture
by stevenyc ini wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, i think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if i remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god.
the god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( i think) and horns.. .
New Worldly Translation
My mother has a copy somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it out when I'm at her house on Monday.
I remember when I was a kid I used to call the idol in the pic Molech the moo-cow. Makes him sound kinda friendly dunnit.
WOW - Must watch video for animation and Radiohead freaks
by pr_capone inhttp://www.wtfdaily.com/golink.php?id=184 .
kansas district overbeer
New Worldly Translation
Wow, that was really cool
Only trouble is I've just spent about 2 hours looking at stuff on that site
Hello - I'm new here
by boydarwin intoday is my first day here.
this is my first post.
i just wanted to say hello.
New Worldly Translation
Hello boydarwin!
From what you wrote about yourself I saw similarities with my life, escpecially the part about feeling you wasted 25 years of your life. What can I say, life as our true selves started when we left, we just have to find our niche in the real world (I'm still looking )
Welcome to the board. I hope to see you around.
Did you believe that the "Pope" was infalliable when you were Catholic?
by booker-t inmy roman catholic aunt has been a "devout" catholic for over 30 years and when the pope recently became ill she told me that god would not allow the pope to die but would take him directly to heaven because the pope is sinless.
i am not familar with catholic doctrines so i was caught off guard with my aunt but for any posters out there that were devout catholics like my aunt do catholics really believe that the pope is without sin and cannot die?
New Worldly Translation
There was a good documentary series about the Catholic church here in the UK called Father Ted
Poets make you laugh
by Peppermint indo you like silly poems?
john hegley & spike milligan are very funny.
here are a couple of my offerings?please don?t laugh at them?on second thoughts, if you don?t laugh that would be bad right?confused now.
New Worldly Translation
Spike Milligan was brilliant. One of my fave comics ever. I also like poems from Ogden Nash, Hughes Mearns and Lewis Carroll (The Hunting of the Snark makes me smile all the way through but it's a bit long to post)
Ogden Nash stuff
I test my bath before I sit
And I'm always moved to wonderment
That what chills the finger not a bit
Is so frigid upon the fundament
One would be in less danger
From the wiles of the stranger
If one's own kin and kith
were more fun to be with
I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree
Perhaps unless the billboards fall
I'll never see a tree at all
is dandy
but liquor
is quicker
Who wants my jellyfish?
I'm not sellyfish
Hughes Mearns stuff
The Lady With Technique
As I was letting down my hair
I met a guy who didn't care
He didn't care again today -
I love 'em when they get that way!
Frustrated Male
One night I met when stepping out
A gal who wasn't thereabout
I said, 'Hel-lo! and how are you!'
She didn't say, so I never knew
I've never been sure who wrote these but I know them by heart cos I think they're ace
The Common Cormorant
The common cormorant or shag
Lays eggs inside a paper bag
The reason you will see no doubt
It is to keep the lightning out
But what these unobservant birds
Have never noticed is that herds
Of wandering bears may come with buns
And steal the bags to hold the crumbs
Hypocrisy will serve as well
To propogate a church as zeal
As persecution and promotion
Do equally advance devotion
So round white stones will serve, they say
As well as eggs to make hens lay
New Worldly Translation
"If I really loved myself, I would_______________________________."
I can't seem to fill the blank without being rude.
Anyhoo happy Valentines Day everypeep
District Assembly, Elland Road, Leeds about 15 years ago
by New Worldly Translation inthis memory just came to me and i wondered of anyone else remembered it.
it was at the district assembly where the questions young people ask book was launched.
all the young ones had to move and sit together in one stand of the football stadium.
New Worldly Translation
Do you remember in about '99 when the bomb squad blew up a suspicious package at Leeds that turned out to be a box of Bibles?
Yeah I remember that! I was on security that assembly. They evacuated the whole stand didn't they? That was hilarious because the guy who reported the package to the police was on security too at the other end of the stadium. He was a real jobsworth and I didn't like him at all. He was always counselling people and bossing people around even though he was only a publisher and mentally deficient to boot. I wish the police had booked him for wasting police time.
District Assembly, Elland Road, Leeds about 15 years ago
by New Worldly Translation inthis memory just came to me and i wondered of anyone else remembered it.
it was at the district assembly where the questions young people ask book was launched.
all the young ones had to move and sit together in one stand of the football stadium.
New Worldly Translation
This memory just came to me and I wondered of anyone else remembered it. It was at the District Assembly where the Questions Young People Ask book was launched. All the young ones had to move and sit together in one stand of the football stadium. Some of us thought it would be funny to applaud after every sentence that the speaker gave. Then every kid in the stand joined in so even when the speaker drew breath there would be rapturous applause. I don't think he or anyone else could figure out if we were overjoyed with theocratic fervour at the thought of receiving the book or just taking the pi$$. The talk probably lasted twice as long as it should have because of us and took up part of the lunch break but it was worth it.
We were taking the pi$$ btw (me and my cousin were at any rate)
I'm not being shunned any longer, and I planted the seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by AloneinOh ini called my parents last night.
" again, dad says, "huh, what are you talking about?
i know dad...but it's true.
New Worldly Translation
Congratulations on getting your family back, I'm really happy for you. I hope it all works out well with your mum & dad.